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Commercial Center Community Alert
To: 953 Sahara, 900 Karen, 967, 957 Sahara, LVAC, 7-Eleven, 2595 Maryland Pkwy Albertsons Plaza, Chevron,
Design Concept Furniture, Bank Of America, Mcdonalds.
Commercial Center Business & Property owners this bulletin is to inform you of several important events that have affected business as a whole, and have possibly caused millions of dollars of revenue loss at the Commercial Center in the past few months. Immediate action is needed on your part instructions to follow.
As president of Commercial Center Business Association part of my job is to constantly monitor our public image, and make sure we as a whole are portrayed in a positive light. I have achieved this now for nearly 2 ½ years with a series of press releases, website, billboards ads, flyers and a successful marketing plan. People say it’s the best the shopping center has looked for years, this is due to the fact the Association paid for cleaning, painting, security guards and group advertisement, costing over $120,000 in two years all money donated from business owners, just like you. For nearly a decade prior to 2007 the public image had become tarnished for various reasons, increase of graffiti, crime, trash, gang activity, homeless, prostitution on the street, to name just a few. If you would like to see the shocking before photos come to the office. A 100% decrease in assistance from Clark County and several property owners also caused many business failures and a decrease in new businesses opening.
Please be informed of the following and the severe impact of these activities
2003 Redevelopment agency created with powers of Eminent Domain (powers to close commercial center and take its land to give to developers, forcing all out of business without proper compensation) Commercial Center is main target in study stating the shopping center is nuisance to community when in fact at the time over 150 reputable business were operating and only a few were targets for Bad press and questionable activities.
2003-2009 Clark County Redevelopment collects over 11 million per year in taxes to buy up commercial center property and force many out of business, that means you, yet in 2007 Commissioner Chris G. States Clark County is broke and cannot afford to buy Center even one new stop sign.
2008 Redevelopment agency gains deed of parking lot, and cancels trash pickups, street sweeping, removes A frame signs and states they are cheaper than the county and spending money at commercial center is a waste of taxpayers’ money
2007 Commercial Center makes requests to fill pot holes, replace lights, stripe parking lot, and replace old signs. 2008 County Nearly 2 years later fills a few requests
2009 January 28 Las Vegas Sun Reports Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani Makes request to Close Redevelopment Agency, and disperse its 35 million in holdings to the State, yet again shorting the business owners at Commercial Center
2009 January City life magazine publishes article cover story “Commercial Center is One of Las Vegas’ Most quirky Vibrant Treasures. Paula Sadler requests story July 2008. Best press in twenty years to date!
Feb 2- 2009 Review Journal Columnist John Smith States Commercial Center is Sleazy (meaning all 150 business owners) it’s not fair all businesses should be judged as Sleazy because a few businesses are considered inappropriate to others. This statement is gossip and a gross misrepresentation of the entire plaza. Quote from article” “Last June, sex club operator David Cooper ran into a county steamroller after he failed to appropriately prepare his "restaurant" called Sextasy in the sleazy Commercial Center . The county shut him down.”
Please Call Review Journal Editor to complain about being called Sleazy unless you think its okay!
Editor Thomas Mitchell Phone: (702) 383-0261
Columnist John Smith Phone: (702) 383-0295
Ask them for a retraction and tell them you don’t appreciate being called sleazy, but if you think your business is sleazy you can thank them, I don’t think you will, they must get letters and calls to fix this I have a form letter you can use to sign and send in. How will you get new customers if the review journal says you are sleazy?
Call Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani and demand to removed from a blight status and public notice made that states Commercial Center Business Association and Business Owners have revitalized the commercial Center. And tell them you are not for Eminent Domain and that the redevelopment agency was a do nothing agency that only siphoned off valuable tax dollars and achieved nothing, and while so doing, did not help the current situation in fact made it worse through neglect. Your letters are needed so that in the future if redevelopment should get going you are paid fairly and fully for relocation regardless of you lease or other conditions. If you read the 100 plus page Study the relocation guide is shortchanging all business owners.
Chris G. Contact Info: Home Tel: 702-366-1663 Office: 702-455-3500
Request a refund of the special assessment made to Business Owners in 2003 for poor work done in the parking lot, which is supposed to be fully paid for by the County, and moreover at that time the economy was strong and tax revenues were at an all time high, which could have easily paid for the improvements.
On The positive Side We have adopted the new name, yet another reinvention we are no longer using The District At Commercial Center in an Agreement with The District At Green Valley Ranch as of October 2008, it will take several more months to finish the conversion, changing listings etc.
The Commercial Center District “World Village” Press Release to follow 702-737-3478 Updated website to follow
New Blog Site coming soon
We are holding an open house In April, if you would like to donate gift certificates these will be used to raffle and raise money, please contact the office 702-791-2368
We are receiving a second year in a Row Grant from Nevada State Bank, please contact Vice President Jay Hiner Community Development to Thank Him, and inquire about New accounts for your business they are receptive to growth at Commercial Center. Please mention CCBA Jay Hiner Office:
Commercial Center Historic Society is created to preserve the Heritage of Commercial Center and its Legacy. Non-profit status in process.
If you are not yet a member of CCBA your help is needed. We are the only and hardest working organization within the Center that is directly helping you, now for 2 ½ years, some said it could not work, but it has worked. If you are not a member just by reading this bulletin you can see a lot of behind the scenes work has been done to save the Center and thus keep all our doors open and safe from government and other abuse. We have been innocent victims of bad press, government neglect and abuse from several hostile property owners, some owners have been helpful others have tried to close the association, and silence me for no good reasons, only personal. Do not allow your businesses to be taken from you, you have rights, constitutional rights and many of you are immigrants now citizen’s stand up for your new American Rights now is the time!
Commercial Center Business Association 953 E Sahara Ave E-11A
To Join Call 702-791-2368
Paula Sadler President & Founder
“As a Minority and Women Business Owner I understand your rights and needs and will fight to protect them and deliver results you can count on, I am here for you”
Price: $0.00