The benefits of deep tissue massage include releasing chronic muscle tension, lowering spasms, treating anxiety, reducing arthritis symptoms, lowering blood pressure and improving recovery from injuries
Most Common Side Effects
Lingering Pain. Due to the pressurised techniques used in a deep tissue massage, some people have suffered from some version of pain during and/or after their therapy session. ...
Headaches/Migraines. ...
Fatigue or Sleepiness. ...
Inflammation. ...
When the body is experiencing pain, it reacts with tension. During a deep tissue massage, discomfort is normal and will be felt if there are inconsistencies within the tissues. Discomfort is described as a "good hurt", the kind that feels good at the same time
You have a regular exercise regime: once or twice a week is the ideal frequency for a deep tissue massage. Your muscles are put under strain and regular massage can help increase flexibility in the muscle fibres and ease the soreness after a workout
Suggested after exercise, heavy strain/work 1-2 x per week. or in a series of 6-12 1x or more per week
Price: $60.00