Opportunity Starts here! A Harmony Nail Spa believes in the economic power of the small business. Start-ups in beauty industry are a growing economic force. As with any business we have our vision, mission and goals. And as we grow we are able to be of service to our community in more ways. Our business is already contributing in many ways to our local community. We provide income to vendors, suppliers, employees, etc...
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We understand we a small part of a large whole, and as we grow we are able to do more for our community to improve local commerce and contribute to the national/international economy.
For Example we provide work for others as we expand our product lines, acquire new equipment, buildings, and increase advertising. Our 1st quarter sales are consistent and we have grown quickly and we have serviced hundreds of satisfied clients.
We are offering investment opportunities for the experienced investor as well as 1st time investors.
Why invest in a Harmony Nail Spa?
Service industries are one of the most successful growing businesses, and as Las Vegas grows there is a need for more service industry business to provide for the booming tourist influx as well as locals. Why not invest. Every service that we provide we appreciate, we know that there are many choices out there for people to choose from. Here at A Harmony Nail Spa we cater to the body mind and spirit, providing a menu suited for the 2000's a full service fingernail salon, beauty supply, specialty gift boutique. We offer services in an exclusive spa setting with specialty scrubs, masks, massage, balancing treatments, alternative healing/wellness services provided by licenced and trained staff.
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