Friday, October 26, 2018
Mark Kaufman Properties Inc
22837 Ventura Boulevard 201
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Phone: (805) 496-4336
Concerned Citizens of Commercial Center Neighborhood
Commercial Center Business Association
953 E Sahara Ave E11a
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
Dear Kaufman Properties
The main pylon sign on East Sahara has been dark for over two months. At night it appears our shopping center is closed. Not only is the sign not up to date with business names, which also makes it appear we have no business here from our main entrance on Sahara with the most traffic. It is a safety hazard and fire and safety vehicles cannot find the address at night, as there are no other illuminated address markers for the main entrance.
This has happened in the past. Business is already hard enough for us as retailers and service providers, we already have enough of our own challenges.
This outage has cost our entire community a great loss of business. Because you did not fix the leaky roof, Lotus of Siam moved, after ceiling caved in taking all their customers with them we all would see flow over when people were waiting for lunch or dinner. They are the most popular Thai Restaurant in Las Vegas, and we needed them they were a major anchor bringing crowds of customers nightly.
We have all suffered as a result of this loss. I have done all I can as a single business owner, I have given my time, money and talent until it has hurt.
We are living in uncertain times, and it is extra hard on small business owners. Since the sign has been dark we have seen a drop-in business. Please fix this immediately, or give the sign to the community
Thank you,
Your concerned Neighbors
Commercial Center Business Association
Thank you for taking the time to use Clark County Building Department Online Citizen Help Link Service. Based upon the information you selected, your complaint has been directed to the following agency:
Fire Prevention Bureau Complaint Hotline: (702) 455-3396
Reference Number: FD20181026-17-002
Dept Contact Info: