A Harmony Nail Spa Meeting Minutes 2007
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March 2007-April 2007
- All members should raise there hand to be heard or they will not be recognized by the general secretary
- A member should not speak more than (5 minutes) on any one topic. If that member wishes to be heard again on the same topic, they must wait until all other members who wish to share on that topic have finished.
Due to the many Developments over the past two months Paula Sadler- (President/Secretary), Jessie Aviado (Director) has several informal meetings to discuss business and make important start-up/development decisions.
- Attendance: All Attendees sign in on the attendance sheet, noting any commitments
- Approval of Last Months Business Meeting Minutes
- Treasures Report and approval
- Committee Reports: we need to develop the following committees
1. Website (Paula Sadler, & WebsiteCenter.com Erick & Felicia)
2. Brochures (Paula Sadler-Living Korea)
3. Metro/Crime Prevention /neighborhood watch crime prevention (Sgt Stoll)
4. Beautification (Grasses, Artwork)
5. Public Works maintenance of signs, roadways, of parking lot (Russell Davis)
6. Business social (Jessie Aviado & Paula Sadler)
7. Beautification Volunteer Organizer (Paula Sadler & Joan Dupree)
8. Property Supervisor/Manager of In-House Security/Porter (Chet Baker)
9. Shopping Center General Security (Brownstone-Victor Marks)
10. Clark County-Community Liaison-Danny Giraldo
11. Republic Services-Jack Zahar
12. Volunteer Coordinator-Joan Dupree
13. Redevelopment-Lesa Coder
14. Chris G-Commissioner Reports
15. Advertisements (Paula Sadler-Outdoor Promotions-Signs Now-John C)
Treasures Report for March/April 2007
Judy G. accepts Treasurer position, will be provide office key, and Desk, Judy states she will provide a QuickBooks program for the association. She states this is her specialty, her duties will include inputting new memberships to association and sending out billing and receipts for our monthly memberships, she will reconcile bank statements and provide a financial report. Currently Paula S. has set up Bank Account and has Visa Debit Card for Purchases, additional signer will be added in the future for maximum safety on account. At Current a Two Year lease was signed by Paula S. beginning April 1, 2007, with first month rent paid and three months deposit upfront. One-Month Free Given Month Of May. Paula S. pays for all deposits and makes contribution of over $3000 to start accounts and first and one time expenses. An invoice will be made to the CCBA from Paula Sadler for Hours and Association Development, which will help to establish company’s initial value.
Current Expenses: These amounts are only estimated until review of new billing becomes available
1. Rent H& L $450
2. Telephone 3 Lines w/internet $120
3. Property Supervisor/ Security $600
4. Brownstone Security $800-$1000
5. Supplies Paint/Office/printing $200-$500
6. Insurance $25
7. Electricity $50
8. Web Hosting $30
- Website: Paula S. - Paula S secures service of Website Center, after getting two quotes see report, Websqaud.net initially sought out, local vendor preferred
- Brochures. Paula S. gets quotes from three vendors see reports
- Metro? Sgt Stoll- reports were requested we only have reports dating from Feb 15, no new information has been provided at this point waiting for report.
- Beautification: Paula S. Paula meets with Volunteers in March April lots of improvement, see report, research being done on artificial grass wholesale and Artist selection, Paula Visits Art Gallery Charleston Receives information on how to select artists.
- Chet B. –receives title of Property Supervisor/Manager of In House Security. Chet is happy to be on the team and wants to help as much as possible and see a clean, safe shopping center, he feels it can be accomplished but it will take time. Over the past months his reports indicate major open container drinking in North West Part of lot and no action by business’s at the Pavilion or Metro to Remedy, Estimated 800 to 1000 people or using business’s at Pavilion mostly the Las Palmas, Cue Club, and El Triunfo have crowds in the Hundreds all three establishments serve liquor and are open Late until 3 or 4 am, and The Cue Club offers 24 Alcohol and Pool Tables. Various incidents have been reported, as groups of 50 to a hundred gather and Drink and then litter. Patrons of these business have been seen drinking cases of beer and then littering the lot with the empty bottles, resulting in a Health and Safety Hazard to daytime Business’s on Saturday, Sunday and Sometimes Monday Mornings, with 100 to 200 bottles many broken and much litter all around this area. Chet recommends security to remedy the situation. Chet Starts Armed Security
- Old Business
· All Business from January to Present is being carried forward until each item can be discussed with the new board of directors elected recently-please refer to previous meeting agendas and minutes.
- New Business
The Following is a report of the activities and action taken during the months of March and April 2007 by Paula S, and Jessie A after February 2007 Meeting. Increased speed and expedition was needed in many critical areas as much new information has been brought to light concerning Redevelopment, conditions of Blight, Eminent Domain, which will be gone over in May 2007 meeting, we had to move quickly and so are creating a combination agenda/minutes in one report for easier reading. It was decided in February 2007 that two public meetings and a series of fliers was adequate notice to the tenants of the intentions of the new proposed association, and that no further public meetings would be held until our first mixer where all business owners and associates could come and discuss informally their concerns or leave them in writing to the Association. Many productive action steps have been taken resulting from several small meetings of Paula S, Jessie A in March and April 2007 and have been incorporated into various plans of action which have been diligently executed for the welfare of the Business/property owners, customers of Commercial Center and the public at large within the Area.
- OPENING NEW OFFICE: Jessie & Paula Discuss the office space, name, business type, etc. Jessie researches and finds adequate space at New Orleans Square-providing new business development to the plaza for the first time as an association, with 3 separate offices within one unit, keeping in mind the importance of low overhead as to use membership due to provide more services rather than office space. Paula accepts space B-114 and fills out initial Lease and provides deposits of $1,600. Paula S. Secures 2 lines from Embarq 1.) Main Line 702-791-CENTER (2368), 2.) FAX: 702-791-2369.
- OFFICE DEVELOPMENT: Paula S & Jessie A. Open New Office officially April 1, 2007-Duriing this time a meeting was called as an open House several business Owners showed there support by attending, there was no formal discussion-focus to present new office and membership packages, prior to this set-up of office began, new carpet, and paint. Jessie A. Supplies Office with Furniture Receipt will be made as to Cost-As Director and Co-Founder Jessie A. is granted Honorary Membership Enrollment and Paid in Full for initial Term of Director position. It will be decided in future meetings additional waivers of membership dues in lieu of receipts presented and start-up development time spent. Paula S. is exempt from formal Membership Dues for Full term of Position of President due to the significant amount of start-up development and time on project and actual investments made since August 2006. Estimated Hours as billable labor hours, and Investments made will be presented at further meetings and compensation will be given at such a time the Association is able to.
- DOCUMENT/LITERATURE CREATION: Paula S. researches and creates a series of documents needed to begin a membership drive and light benefits package and proposed benefits to come as membership grows. Paula presents a series of membership flyers, applications, dues options, business cards, made available at the New Office Location
- DBA & EIN (IRS): Paula S. researches and secures DBA and EIN # for Commercial Center Business Association. Upon Jessie A. Suggestion the name Small Business Development was dropped-was thought to be to limiting-and the idea is to be inclusive rather than exclusive and include executives locally and Worldwide.
- BUSINESS TYPE: It is decided that non-profit would be our best business type, as we will be providing a community service, as well as seeking donations from many larger corporations for our various community based projects. Paula to Research Errors & Omissions Insurance and present in ASAP, as well as Liability.
- DIRECTOR ELECTED: Jessie A. Receives Title of Director and Co-Founder due to his diligence and business expertise in past ventures of this nature, and his participation following the February 2007 meeting, staying hours later to further implement the proposed agenda at the time. He expressed interest to work more administratively, and promoting new memberships and sponsoring our monthly Meetings, now to be termed Monthly Business Socials Held at the BlackBelters Lion Club D-116
- FILING WITH SEC OF STATE: Jessie A. Researches and starts the Non-Profit first filing, Jessie A. absorbs cost of filing to present in future meetings, to assist the New Association Start-up Costs. Jessie presents Paula S. First Filing of Board of Directors, to be submitted within 30 Days with further follow-up.
- BOARD OF DIRECTORS SELECTION: Paula S. begins process of selecting first Board Of Directors-seeking out interested parties; those who seemed suitable of expressed desire, those having attended first meetings Jan & Feb were presented with first options. Initially
- FIRST BOARD OF DIRECTORS FILED WITH STATE: Allan K (prestige realty) was presented with Vice President, said he would like to take this position, Dr. Judy G. (property Shoppes) was presented with the options and expressed interest in the Treasurer position as this is her area of expertise. Julie N. (manager of Cue Club & Daughter of Owner) expressed interest in the Chairman or Other position) she later declined and it is assumed that she was fishing for information, to bring back to the Owners, as this business is currently on Probation/observation with the association and they have been indicated in many calls by Metro for problems within there premises or directly outside there establishment for various problems for several years ongoing. After some time Allan K accepts position officially and joins with His membership. Judy G. accepts with her membership and is excited about the developments. Judy requests key for office to bring in Computer to start the billing for members. Paula agrees this will be okay and assigns desk in back office. As members of the Executive Board they are advised the Only Commitment at this time is One Meeting, to vote and make decisions, and are encouraged to attend the mixers.
- FURNISHING OFFICE: Paula S. Provides various new office materials, coffee pot, fax machine, telephone, and sets up initial voice mail information message.
- FIRST LETTER OF REQUEST TO PUBLIC WORKS & MEETING WITH COMMUNITY LIASONS: Paula S. makes requests to County and requests Meeting at commercial Center to go over, 37 point letter. We requested a 14 days to respond and repair. Danny G and Russell D met with Paula on 4-10-2007 to walk the Shopping Center. All areas were gone over. It was stated that the county does not paint fire zones or do any painting of streets or roadways, safety white, yellow etc. Russell said he was not sure who does this. As of the end of April 2007 or by the 24th of April no action was seen to be taken, and if there was, no report was made to the association was made although it was requested.
- SALE OF PAVILION 16 MILLION IN MARCH: Ron M-of NAI Horizon Sells the Commercial Center Pavillion for Over 16 million dollars to Kaufman Properties of California. It was evident there was a lack of communication with the sale to the new owners, as within days the property begin to decline, and within one month, there were hundreds of broken bottles and liter in area of the pavilion several days per week, and the compactor overran into the public parking lot with rotting refuse and leaking alcohol bottles. NAI would not supply the association with the new owners information and so a total decline affected business and commerce at the plaza for over one month, causing a safety and health hazard. As well Ron M. in January expressed hostility to the Association and a total lack of Respect for the Community based organization by implying the President-Paula S. - was an insignificant stakeholder-small business owner, when he asked “how many square feet do you own” and then implying he did not speak with her In a December telephone Conversation when in Fact he did, and was hostile with her during a telephone conversation with her in January-when was the time he asked her to contact him, after the Holidays about joining forces with the then proposed association. It is a known fact that at this time in January 2007 the sell process was underway and at this time he had no concern for the welfare of the public or the tenants of The Commercial Center. In Conclusion Kaufman properties after several attempts to Contact them were put in our probation file along, with Las Palmas, El Triunfo, and The Cue Club for non-compliance with our new community standards. We have been collecting photos weekly, and reporting to the County of the situation asking their assistance.
- MEMBERSHIP GROWS: Since the inception of the Association officially March 1, 2007 with Paula S, and Jessie Aviado our membership is over 13 with several serving on our Board Of Advisors. Membership has been growing there is a healthy prospect of over 250 businesses at Commercial Center to grow, and an additional few hundred we will include onto our fold as we grow into the surrounding business within at least a one-mile Radius. We are working to get ten memberships per month until we reach our goal of 200 in 2008, and 400 by 2010.
- BOARD OF ADVISORS: Paula S. informed through email Sgt Stoll, Danny Giraldo, Russel Davis, Honorary Membership to our Board of Advisors to be presented May 28, 2007 at Mixer with special honors for serving as an advisor since January 2007. Other Honorary Members are Chet Baker for Security and Property Supervisor. Christina Diedorado Attorney at Law, as general council, Ken (Engineer) as Engineering Consultant. BrownStone Security as Security. Signs Now as Advertisement Design. Joan Dupree as Volunteer Coordinator.
- HIRING OF SECURITY: The Association has acquired private security the first time in 47 years that it is known that actual security patrol and on foot are securing the property. After several requests to Clark County and Metro, we have received assistance in removing all abandoned vehicles, and the trespassing of many vagrants. The needs of Commercial Center has changed over the years, and the current trend of Urban Development with several 24 hour bar and lounges require actual security, this is evident wherever liquor is served by several establishments within a confined area such as a shopping center. The County Reports in there Blight Study 2003 of the numerous calls of to Metro which are typical valley wide where liquor is served that the Commercial Center is a burden to Taxpayers and the community, but they failed to mention there lack of responsibility and it is there cost to supply cleaning, and secure the area via Metro or private security, they never mention they have never tried to or made an attempt to provide this as a solution
- Chet Baker hired as Independent Security in April 2007 Fri-Sat Night 10p-12a for $25 per Shift, and is including additional security as courtesy until association builds more membership
- Chet has requested additional Security to be Hired as crowds of 500-1000 are gathering on Saturday Night. We are researching with Brownstone for a quote
- VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers Joan & Buddy met with Paula S March & April and Graffiti was covered up on dumpsters, Hockey Club Wall, Property Shoppes Wall, State and Market Street, a thorough inspection was done of the property with Photos looking clean, most graffiti was years old. County was requested last summer to help with this through access Clark County Graffiti Abatement, only partial action was taken, and much graffiti still left. Joan will be given special award for volunteering. Danny G and Russell D. informed Paula S in meeting that County Does not Paint Curbs, and we must do this ourselves. Volunteers painted entrance medians fresh Red, 2 cans of Paint Oil Based $50, on Sunday April 30, 2007.
- PAINTING CURBS AND PARKING LOT STRIPING: some paint has been purchased. Needs Light poles and light pole Base, Chet B will perform repair patch then paint freshly, it has been decided that the County is Moving too slowly and for our New Image we must act quickly to paint all light pole bases, and curbs by Mid June, when new ads are scheduled to go out to public.
- NEW PUBLIC IMAGE & WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT: New Shopping Center name decided at Last Meeting in February 2007, Paula S and Jessie Discussed at Length, and due to New Yellow Page Book Closing New Name had to be decided immediately for placement. The District At Commercial Center has been Chosen, we have selected this name to preserve our Historic Standing Commercial Center is World Famous and we want to preserve the quality of the past and disregard all public image that is not useful to us now, this name was furthermore chosen as to create a New Positive Public Image, as there are many different districts worldwide and we even see these now developing in the Las Vegas Area, and The word “THE” seems powerful as an image tool, creating a lasting image in the public mind, a place of importance. Paula S secures DBA for yellow page, several domain name variations and the Services of the WebsiteCenter.com who office was previously in Commercial Center, Owner Eric is happy to work with us and wants the Center to Do well, he used to Visit the center while on Vacation as child many years ago, and has fond memories. We want to utilize as many businesses at the Center for our needs. Paula S places Deposit for Website $850 with $850 to follow will be estimated to be up in May. Second payment of $3700 for finishing the Site will be broken into 3 payment over 90 days, (not usually extended to clients)
- PUBLIC IMAGE DEVELOPMENT CONT’D: Paula S.: researches cost for $10,000 full color tri-fold glossy brochures Vista Print a well known provider of low cost printing avg. $1000, Living Korea who has impressive samples and a monthly publication, can do for Approximately. $900. Also can print banners at half what we currently pay. We want to utilize local providers within the Center whenever possible. Paula S and Jessie A have been working extensively promoting the CCBA, and its membership as vital, the action steps needed before advertising as a shopping center can be begun, is to clean up all graffiti, volunteers have removed almost 100% graffiti from entire center in past 3 months. Chet B. Porter keeps litter to a minimum, and new shopping center security is controlling littering, loitering, and open container drinking, we will soon move forward with beautification efforts.
- NETWORKING: Commercial Center Monthly Business Mixer Started April 23, 2007, open to all Business Owners, and One invited Guest of them, purpose of Mixer is to 1.) Network business owners; get to know each other, 2.) Provide a public forum to disseminate association literature and activities, 3.) Grow membership, 4.) Grow a sense of community and a positive place for Business Owners to Meet and socialize. Jessie A, has provided his Dancehall (Blackbelters Lions Club) for this purpose, on a Monthly Basis the Mixers are to be held the Last Monday of Every Month from 5p-7p.
- COMMERCIAL CENTER PAVILLION: This new property owner has been unavailable, we received one telephone call back from them sometime in March, we tried to locate owner but was unavailable. NAI horizon would not provide this information when calling their Local Office. This business had to put on probation due to litter and trash building up on site, and the compactor overflowing, *see attached photos. Waiting for response, this business has been to June put on probation and observation for 90 Days April 13, 2007 to July 13, 2007. We will take photos every Sat, and Sun morning, and other days of the week as needed and submit to Clark County, Business License Dept. and as well all tenants at Commercial Center. The problems caused by lack of proper maintenance causes a public safety and health hazard, and this kind of problem is listed extensively in Clark County’s Blight Study of this Area.
- PROPERTY SUPERVISOR/PORTER: Chet B receives Title of Property Supervisor, and Director of In House Security; his duties include cleaning the Parking Lot 4 Days per week and providing Security 2 Nights Per week. To Clean in front of Members Business then address the General Parking Areas and 4 inner and outer blocks as well, and report to the Association any items needing action, abandoned cars, homeless, etc…Also Chet is observing businesses on probation and reporting back to the Association. Chet is an Independent Contractor and will be given a 1099 at end of year.
- DEVELOPING AND PROMOTING PUBLIC IMAGE POINTS OF INTEREST: Reviewing new and existing businesses we have found many unique points of Interest that we desire to Highlight and promote. We are home to The Largest in Las Vegas in the Following Areas: 1. Las Vegas Cue Club-Las Vegas’s Largest and Longest Running pool Hall in The Valley, with Gaming and Liquor Sales, Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant-Las Vegas’s Largest Mexican Restaurant and Mariachi, Jin Mee BBQ and Karaoke-Largest Korean/Chinese Restaurant and Upscale International Karaoke. Our Anchor Stores are John Fish Jewelers, Tiffany Cleaners, Las Vegas Cue Club, Komol Restaurant, Violin Outlet, Tokyo Japanese Restaurant, have all been in the Commercial Center 20+ to 30+ years
- REPRESENTED AT CITY COUNCIL/PAWN SHOP ON SAHARA: Paula Spoke at City Council Meeting April 4, 2007, at City Hall in Las Vegas as the President of Commercial Center Business Association and Owner of A Harmony Nail Spa, in regards to the Pawn Shop to be replacing M J Christensen Jewelers on Sahara, many other business showed up in opposition to this new business it was thought to bring undesirable elements to the neighborhood. The Mayor Pro Tem Gary Reese made a comment to the Mayor that Myrna Williams last summer had talked to them about us. They had knowledge of our activities. Paula S made comments that the Commercial Center Business Association represents over 200 Business Owners and Interests and that we are building Business Community and a New Unified Image for our Historic Shopping Center.
Much progress has been made in the Months Of March & April 2007. Many new developments are under way, the General Consensus of many Business Owners and Resident who frequent the shopping center, state they are very happy to see something good happening here, a diversification of businesses, and services available. Many people talk of a time when all would come to the plaza that it was the place to shop and dine many years ago, and then so many businesses moved away, not because the area was no longer viable or of interest, many began to favor Casino/Hotel locations and New Indoor Malls popping up in the 80’s and 90’s. Now with Urban Development so prominent there is a need to preserve many Original Business Districts in Las Vegas and nationally as a historic preservation and for posterity, as well to Honor those that came before to Build great places like The Commercial Center, True Originals, Open Air Centers are now in great demand and favored by many in Urban Areas as ours we can see this in the development of “The District At Green Valley Ranch”, “The Charleston Outlets”, and others like this.
In Our Research Of the Shopping Center/Mall market we have found articles to support this trend in “Open Air Centers”
1. http://www.slate.com/id/2116246/ In an Article by Andrew Blum “The Mall goes Undercover”; it now looks like a city street. It talks about the enormous success of these “lifestyle Centers” really which are open air malls like Commercial Center with a Variety of Business offerings, and that there are over 130 of these scattered around the Country this article is from 2005, and stated that 17 more were opening that year, by now there is probably over 200 centers like these. Indoor Malls have been changing there appearance to be more like the Commercial Center which was revolutionary for its time, and that people are returning to the Urban Areas and want that feeling That Shopping in City can provide with plenty of fresh air and curbside parking. Over the past Months we have managed the Shopping Center better than ever before in the past, this is reflected in comments by Customers saying things like, “There is something different Here”, its much better than it has been in Years, Its much cleaner, and they like the mix of businesses here, with only a few 24 Lounge/Bar and Adult Novelty Stores, it has a true Las Vegas Mix that fits well into this Part of Las Vegas and The Strip Area. People want to see it around for the long haul, some residents at Country Club say they like the convenience and have been using the Center for Years and there are so many unique offerings here, when they want Big Corporate Stores they travel to Fashion Show, or Northwest or Green Valley, or Even the Boulevard. But its nice to have economic diversity and a mix of small business owners who the public can relate to as very friendly and providing service in a way that only small businesses can offer, a sense of Family and Community and Friendliness is apparent in the Day to Day Business of “The District At Commercial Center”
Close Meeting with Vision Statement
Paula Sadler
President & Founder
Commercial Center Business Association
_____________________ ____________________
Paula Sadler Secretary Allan Kessler Vice President
____________________ _____________________
Dr. Judy Giles Treasurer Jessie Aviado Director
Paula Sadler President & Founder, Allan Kessler-Vice President, Dr Judy Giles-Treasurer, Jessie Aviado-Director, Paula Sadler-Secretary
To view these Documents and current Adgendas please contact the offfice of CCBA at 702-791-2368
These Documents are for the exlcusive viewing of CCBA memebers and freinds of CCBA
Commercial Center Business Association Meeting Minutes
Tuesday February 27, 2007
Attendance: Paula S. (A Harmony Nail Spa), Chrishawna J. (Commercial Arts Building), Mathew S. (Manager Green Door), Sang P. (Asian Mart), Tiger J. (Ballroom Dance fest), Jesus A, (Blackbelters Lion Club), Armand Young (Lord of Harvest), Rowardo (Fiesta Hall), Ruben (Fiesta Hall), Unk. Asian Business Owner
Paula S. Opens Meeting at 1:15 with Welcome & Introductions. Reading February agenda, reads mission/vision statement
Approval of Last months meeting minutes
- Not typed yet, to be brought to March 2007 meeting
Treasures Report and approval
- No treasurer has been voted in at this time, Paula S. has paid for all expenses up to date, expenses incurred
- Hired Porter Chet B. paid 3 WEEKS $125 WEEKLY
- First Meeting expenses over $100
- Expenses incurred since August 2006 report will be given by Paula in March meeting
- Paula S acting President and Treasurer as organizer of meeting until members are formed and election and votes can be taken, Paula S announces this at meeting
Committee Reports
- Website – open –Paula S brings quote from Websquad.net for $1500 to $5,000, researched possible website names, and brought report to meeting for viewing. Mathew S. offers to build and host site –does this as a business, thinks it is great idea; group will have to pay for advertising.
- Brochures- open (Paula S. Suggests seeing Flyer form Liaison for assistance with funds up to $500-Paula Needs updated mailing list for all of commercial center business from property owners, and mgt. Companies
- Metro- Sgt Stoll unable to make meeting will forward report for February to us. In communication with Metro forwarded reports to Metro resulting in multiple abandoned cars and RV’s being removed as well as some arrest and/or trespassing of suspicious persons
- Beautification- open –Paula S. Brings sample and quote for artificial grasses $19,000 form Syn Lawn, discounted rate,
- Jessie A. Suggests we form LLC possible non profit and get grasses donated Paula S agrees
· Public Works- Russell Davis- No reports given not present, items forwarded to Danny G, needs to be directed to Russell D for future by Paula Sadler, Paula will bring report to next meeting of items requested see February Agenda
- Business Social- Paula S. Suggests opening meeting for 1 hour afterwards for food and drink networking social after each meeting monthly to be held at different restaurants in commercial center-Jessie and Paula Stay after for Social until 4pm
- Suggestions for other committees still needed…
- Chrishawna Volunteers to write minutes.
Old Business
- JANUARY MINUTES TO BE CARRIED OVER AND DISCUSSED AT FUTURE MEETINGS UNTILL ALL ITEMS APPROVED AND PASSED STILL NEW, no formal members yet as to vote and approve of minutes Paula S, and Tiger Jessie to formulate plan for membership now that two meetings have been held, and there is interest total of 31 attendees total of two months, and at least 30 more talked with in person or on phone by Paula S who verbally say they would like to be a part of this group.
- See January 2007 agenda
- January and February Meeting minutes to be reviewed in March and Carried over until members are formed
New Business
- All January Items considered New, those in attendance agreed not to vote yet, wanted to be integrated into meeting, and have more meetings with more people in attendance
- Paula S. acting president and treasurer states to those in attendance she will keep these positions until official elections
- Volunteers call for, one came forth Mathew Green Door to do website, will bring Quote or estimate of value of work to next meeting, to be made out to commercial center business association
- Paula S-brought name registration for DBA small business association 953, and banking information as well as business license information for business support services $195 total to receive business license
- No report form Metro on possible shooting in parking lot during NBA, other business concerns for safety bullet holes found in Jalisco Bldg E and Jin Mee from early morning parking lot shooting aprox 3 –4 months ago, no news on shooters, believed to be problem with Las Palmas patrons
- Bldg E business owners to be notified in writing to place trash in containers, republic service can not open without Key, problems with E-28, and E-14 letter to made by Paula S.
- See Abandoned Vehicle and Suspicious persons report Made to Metro by Paula resulting in several cars being towed, RV’s being made to move, and arrests were made of homeless. General cleaner looking and safer parking area, some vehicles months old, as well a few vehicles were nearly abandoned for 1 year, Paula’s work with the county and Metro these are now gone. Business owners to take note of vehicles over 24 hours, or RV’s and to call metro as per procedure call 311 and report 953 Clark County public Parking Lot
- Group discussion – group did not know about this fact and had problems with metro in past to get them to move people or vehicles
- Orange Car with Hatchback now moved, car with trailer moved to market street, unk. Owner is this a problem or vehicle of business at commercial center? Keep an eye on this one
- No one comes forth to Write Grant letter for County Funds, Candice from Center said in January meetings she has experience
- Website suggested by Paula S to follow similar format as other malls i.e. galleria @ sunset etc… Further discussion and planning needed
- Commercial Center Street sign facing East form strip disrepair, Paula to forward replace request to Public works
- Street Cleaning schedule never received by public works, Paula will look into
- Paula Received 5 gallons of white paint, cans of spray silver and one can striping yellow as well as brushes, rollers, form Danny G, to be used for Last Sunday of the month Community Service. Special Thank you to Linda @ Dr Drywall for Donating 5 Gallons of White, Paula S, purchases Silver and several gallons of various colors since August of 2006 resulting in new look and better image to public –Paint being donated by county in county colors as needed to Paula, owners see Paula for details
- Speed limit only posted in one place in lot, needs to be redone, what is speed limit 15 or 25, forward request to public works by Paula S
- Paula to forward request to Public works to replace damaged and missing stop signs, and report showing placement on county property
- Request to Public works as to schedule of lot striping and to request repaint ASAP
- Request to Public works to clean up side walk by town pump by Paula Sadler
- Jessie A –suggest two weeks appropriate time to answer requests and do work requested
- Request out street light to be replaced near E2648 on state street request to Public Works by Paula S
- Paula Requested list of business and maps of buildings 1 reply from Cheryl M for Bldg E, no answer from others owners, Paula spoke directly to property managers and some owners, all said they would forward needed info. Paula States she has most information to give to metro so they can find buildings, etc. and this will be used for directory And brochures, seeing who is going to be helpful
- Jessie A-suggest we seek a to hire a receptionist or Secretary service to draft letter and correspondence and sit in on meetings to take notes, that there is a company at the commercial center that provides this, or we will ask that a property owner send there secretary.
- Paula S looking onto what county dept has blueprint of parking lot
- Jessie A-suggests form any correspondence with county all names of members be placed on correspondence to increase weight of request for prompt attention, Paula Agrees
- Jessie A- Suggest we create membership vehicle stickers to Identify members and be able to know who we are to create a watch for other members
- Jessie A-suggests we will have Clark County depts. To be advisors to the Group, and we will ask Judges and distinguished members of the community to be our advisors
Report By Lisa C. Redevelopment
- Owners of Old Vegas Village Site contacted by Lisa and they are to put up fence and dust barrier- she states the county has not given any money to the owners to tear building down, contradiction with information given by Danny G- Paula to talk with Danny G for official info and report back to group, it was thought that there was a special grant money given to the new owner to help with demolition.
- Lisa C states that all property owners will have to sign off on any new signage etc., also that three dumpsters are maintained by Clark County and she feels is a waste of taxpayers money, being the benefit is going to the business owners, she suggests that the property owners become more involved and have these taken over and paid for by the property owners.
- Paula S thinks it’s a good thing the county has dumpsters here, it is owned by them and should be maintained by them, until such a time that the parking lot would be sold to a private company. And furthermore sidewalk trash -cans should be installed and a county worker/cleaner on foot services the areas that street sweepers cannot get to, as is done on other county property. Paula questions where is there county property that is maintained to the highest standards and that we should receive the same care, and why have we not to this time?
- Seek advice of Real Estate Attorney / Business property Law as to the posting of our new signs, etc. to be looked into further if we should need to take legal action if refused to be allowed permits for the good of the community
- Reference still NBA 2007 and adopt a neighborhood, or highway aluminum signs, county will install these and so we should be allowed similar signage due to the nature of the situation, as is done in similar situations, seek attorney counsel on this
- Speeding a problem, request speed bumps in high speed areas, near Golf Joy and out perimeter to be forwarded to Public Works
- Website and Brochure more quotes to be brought by Paula S in March 2007
- Attendees some need to leave early for Various Reasons, Chrishawna to type up minutes she has taken and to get back to Paula and to be included in March meeting for approval. Jessie and Paula Stay to Review rest of Agenda
- New Name to call website and to create new image,
- Group discussion- Jessie A – suggest commercial center business association everyone knows the name, world wide. Paula thinks new name will create excitement named as a new district, can be done in conjunction with @ commercial center. Thenewcommercialcenter.com, or the international village @ commercial center, internationalvillage.com, this is what we already are, naming us properly for what we already are, we don’t have to create something new, Paula brings variations of names, to be discussed in March with formal members,
- Jessie A- suggests not important at this time to list costs, as a business owner there is a write off for this, but to mention only we have incurred costs
- Jessie A- offers suggestion that he has worked with China Town old warehouse district now much sought after, he likes the ideas, and wants to help develop this needed group
- Chet B doing great job, business owners see difference is cleaner lot, less homeless, better image, Chet B temp property supervisor cleans 4-5 days a week on, sets own schedule, reports to Paula, he has experience working big projects like this, and has setup various neighborhood watch in own neighborhood and performed valuable community service, a special thanks to Chet B, group will decide on this at later time, media mention
- Collections/ Dues needed to expand group, Jessie Offers Ideas as how to grow involvement for next meeting
- Jessie and Paula discuss membership dues $50 per month, we will put together an operating budget by March. Obtain office space in Orleans Square, for permanent address, Jessie A to host meeting with snack and drink and Ballroom Suite, we will use a sign up sheet, and special VIP invitation with invited guest, only invited guests can participate in all future meetings, we care creating exclusivity because we are providing valuable services to the community and the business owners will seek us out to be a part of the group, because we are valuable to them and offer assistance on many levels, Paula Agrees and Paula to create sign up sheet just for participation, and special invitation only
- Jessie to bring by lease information for Commercial Center Business Association, this name used because it is all-inclusive so many can join our group. LLC will be needed Jessie to Draw up paperwork
- Paula and Jessie to Discuss Membership Dues for March 2007 meeting
- Paula to contact Clark County about Roadway Danger near Town pump on behalf of Rupp, forward to public works
- Parking a problem at Town Pump, they are unable to attend meeting, Asian mart takes there customer parking, they do not own and must share spaces
- Quotes for Attention Banner Flags not given by Mike –Not present, said to be $11 and up to $30 and up per flag, aprox 30 or more needed, how long will they last to be brought to next meeting
- All in attendance read brief overview of January meeting to Familiarize them with the progress
- Volunteers Paula S, Joan and Buddy Met Last Sunday of Feb and painted with success alley way by Hockey Club, and Market Street Graffiti, need ladder for March to get on top of building side of Vita Plus.
- Jessie and Paula Discuss changing meeting time to 5 pm to accommodate business owners better, more attendance, Paula agrees, Jessie said food and drink important, could also do potluck.
- Jessie and Paula discuss Social is a good idea, there can be dancing as well etc… in the future
- Next Meeting to be Held at BlackBelters Lions Clubhouse at 5pm March 27th (Paula Sadler –president, Grandmaster Tiger Jessie Aviado, invitation to be drawn up and mailed to those who sign up to participate
- Checking into B-114 at Orleans Square as Permanent Address, before April 1st.
- Jessie Suggests to become a member they must be invited, Paula Agrees on this strategy. To Create exclusivity.
Commercial Center Business Association Meeting Minutes
Tuesday January 30, 2007
Attendance: Mike M (Hawks), Alan (The Rack), Mike (Onyx Theatre), Morrand (Morrand LLC), Tom S (LVMPD), Louise D. (The Las Vegas Lounge), Alan K (Prestige Realty), Russell Davis (Clark County Public Works), Joshua M (The Center), Candice N. (The Center), Bryan M. (LVMPD SCAC), Lisa C (Clark County Redevelopment), Christina S. (Indian Soul Art), Daniel G. (Clark County Liaison), Jack Z (Republic Services), Luis G (Republic Services), Paula S. (A Harmony Nail Spa), Rup R (Vita Plus), Mara Lieberman (Violin Outlet), Ray (Ramrod Lounge), Francisco (Las Palmas), Unk. Name of Blonde Gentlemen who is buying property in area, wants to sit in, (possible large developer-did not disclose company)
Paula S. Opens Meeting at 1:15 with Welcome & Introductions. Reading from January agenda.
Danny G Suggests round the table introductions with name and company or department.
Table open for group discussion
Group discusses various issues.
Hawks Gym (Manager)
- Dust a problem form old Vegas Village Site, motorbikes and ATV’s kicking up dirt, who is responsible
Lisa K. (redevelopment) -States she will look into contacting property owner to secure the site, possibility of fencing and coating of dirt, etc. will report back
Alan K- Questions of redevelopment and various other Questions for Lisa K and others
Lisa K (redevelopment)-States we are in a redevelopment area, the parking is owned by the county and deeded over in 1960, and county is to maintain the parking lot, can be a curse and a blessing, that the property owners are not taxed on the property. (Perpetuity clause)
Paula S- (Harmony Nail Spa) Brings up Artificial Grasses, Aluminum signs to be mounted to county light pole, Outdoor Sculptures to be installed, and directories
Lisa K- (redevelopment) Concerned over who will be responsible for the upkeep and what if some should get hurt if a sign falls down, or someone drives onto sidewalk into the directories? Says will need approval of all Property Owners not business owners
Lisa K- States at the time it seemed like a good idea the way the sale was setup to be owned and maintained by the county, for the good of the public, but there are not many places like this, and it does not seem to work today, and situations like this the parking lot is usually privately owned and maintained in a shopping center.
Lisa K. Vegas Village Torn Down-\zoned and approved for two 40 story high rise, there is supposed to be a proposed plan for building but not all information available at this time.
Paula S. - Concerned that there has been a general lack of care of property overall and not all owners will agree, why should we suffer because a few do not want to participate in the growth Paula to do further research and bring back information
Group Discussion Continues
Various Topics
- Maryland Pkwy Near UNLV and the work that redevelopment is doing there. Some brings up what other states have done like Arizona
- Concerns that Commercial Center will be torn Down for new high rise towers
Group Discussion
- Some Property for sale Commercial Center Pavilion NAI Horizon $16,000,000,000
- Village Square $11,950,000,000
- Some property not for sale, Can County sell part of the parking lot?
- Group Discussion this is not able to be done, to look up and bring back to next meeting, Lisa K will bring back info
- What are the plans for redevelopment, no clear plan or answer was given, only that this is a redevelopment area, and special funds may be available
Clark County Community Liaison Danny G.
(Representing Chris G- Commissioner)
- Danny G. (Liaison) used to work for Myrna W, Now For Chris G commissioner, special grants available for community projects, handout given, group will look into and write letter for grant.
- Danny G- help with non-profit, Danny states they have directed other shopping center associations in the right direction and can put us in touch with them.
- The County may not have much to offer in financial but can help direct us, and put us in touch with various county agencies that can assist like metro, public works, etc…
- No update on taxes paid on parking lot, is county exempt from paying taxes on this property, how does ownership like this work? Waiting for answer
- Danny states he does not have all information at this time
Metropolitan Police Dept.
- Sgt Stoll- Introduces self and 2 deputies, gives report of various crimes in the area, says that crime over the past ten years is determined by the type of nightclub that opens in the area. Reports of Problems customers form Las Palmas calling from that location about car break-ins, a few incidents of fights at the bars etc…
- Stoll- requests map of lot, and buildings and suites to easily find tenants when calls are placed.
- Requests made for more police action and patrols to be made on Fri-Sat night 10p to 4 am.
- Stoll- To tell all business to call 311, ask for dispatch when there is a suspicious persons or activity or vehicle, and give a name and name of business to be logged onto a report, and as well tell operators this is 953 Sahara Clark County Public Parking Lot.
- Group discussion about police not responding business owners being told by dispatch sorry private property call your property mgt, or Owner. Lack of communication, police not aware of public parking, owners were not aware to say this when talking with the police about issues in the parking lot.
- Many Homeless in Parking Lot.
- Jack & Luis Introduce Self from Republic Services. Various problems with Trash cans in poor repair, needs painting, wheels, Garbage men spilling trash, not all trash being put into containers, who owns trash cans, and large disposal
- Neighborhood watch a good thing, can send a specialist to help with this
- Yes Metro can give monthly reports of crime at 953 will be happy to inform us
Group Discussion
- Pavilion Owns Disposal special arrangement made it was purchased privately a few years ago and installed by some owner, so replacing the need for small dumpsters, unit is locked with gate. Talk of poor curb appeal due to various small dumpsters on Sahara overflowing etc, pavilion side much cleaner and neater looking. Possibility to install large compacter and enclosed unit on East side of lot, eliminating many small dumpsters.
- Homeless rummaging through trash, sleeping behind dumpsters.
- Republic Services will provide Schedule
Public Works
- Russell Davis from Public works on maintenance of parking lot. Many issues to be addressed of concern]
- Public Works to give report of county lines and ownership details to group
Further Questions posed by group in January Agenda
10. We can develop a better relationship with the county by getting organized and having meetings like this
11. The relationship with the County in the past has been difficult there has been no one main voice or group to represent the owners and tenants causing rifts in the relationship
12. Danny G- is excited for us and hopes we can do well and hopes we achieve our goals, we are told to be patient.
13. Lisa K- Only concerned with who is responsible for new installs and that property owners will have to sign off on these, (even though the property owners have been a problem in the past, and they will not most likely being paying for any of this, unless they join the association
- Paula S. –express concern that this is ridiculous to need the property owners to sign off when they have let the area go into dilapidation and to get any of them to do much of anything to improve there property takes far longer than appropriate, and they are not even organized together to work together and seem to have a lack of concern.
- It is noted only two property owners showed up, Clark County, and Alan K (commercial Arts Building). Property Managers and owners seem to have little interest, and have for years been unable to agree to come to any conclusion for the benefit of this business community and the public. So now it is time the business owners who without them there would be no commercial center banned together and take positive action, and we need the help of Clark County in Full to let us move forward with simple directories, aluminum signage, etc with of course special use permits, etc…And that we do not need all owners to sign off on this, just like if the NBA 2007 director wanted to place banners for the game in our center like on paradise and throughout the city the County would say Yes they are making a fee form the permit, and as well they would not have to contact all the property owners to do so, especially for many community events, because nothing would ever get approved or done. Paula s.
- Group has requested we must have street cleaning Fri and Sat morning Early after a busy weekend and throughout the week
- Need more light brighter watt bulbs and additional light to be added to single light poles, public works to be given formal request
- Alan K- says he will talk with other property owners to organize them.
Summary of Meeting
- Meeting consisted of meet and greet, everyone get to know each other, a formal agenda was not used or rules, show of turnout deemed to be good to start, formal agenda to be used at subsequent meetings, everyone seemed to be in positive mood and likes ideas presented and wants to move forward. Next meeting set for February 27, 2007 at 1:15 pm, same place. Las Palmas Owner was happy to host and provide drinks and chips. Various items discussed, lots of ideas brought to the table, good meeting to show various owners, and business participation. Handouts given artist sketch of proposed entrance, and other items given out, estimates. Paula Organized and paid for all copies and supplies. No Reimbursements given at this time, no offer of assistance with costs for meeting at this time. Owners will be contacted and invited to next meeting.
- Paula S. closes meeting and thanks everyone for coming. 2:45pm
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