Welcome & Introductions: Paula Sadler (Owner of A Harmony Nail Spa
Everyday Thousands of people drive by Commercial Center on there way to other shopping destinations & restaurants, if we spice up the curb appeal they will be coming here to spend there money, that鈥檚 why were here today!
Hello and welcome to our first Business Owners Meeting of Commercial Center 953 and all business connected by Our Common Clark County Parking Lot. I am Paula Sadler Owner of A Harmony Nail Spa and Organizer of this meeting. First I would like to say thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule today to join me in this momentous Occasion. We are grateful to have Representatives of Clark County, (Danny Giraldo 鈥揅ommunity Liaison,) who has helped another Shopping center become an association. We also have Representatives of Metro, Republic Services of Nevada, and Public works with us here today to give us reports and answer questions.
The purpose of this meeting today is to unite as business owners in an alliance together that will help us all to grow and to prosper in the years to come. We are here to network and make new friends and to develop mutually beneficial relationships with each other and the community. I am going to present many Ideas today to grow our business鈥檚 and improve our shopping center. It is my hope that by the end of our meeting today you will take information that will make your business better and our business鈥檚 better together as a community of business owners. It is also my hope to encourage you to join us today in this community effort, and I hope you walk away with a sense of community as well as a few new friends.
To tell you about myself I have lived in Las Vegas since 1992 when I moved from Los Angeles, I graduated Green Valley High School, and attended college and trade school in Las Vegas. I have seen Las Vegas grow for almost 15 years and have been in the professional world for over 16 years. I moved into Village Square Bldg E, for those of you who do not know where that is (Because we have no sign clearly indicating we are Village Square) it鈥檚 the middle building. I moved in just 2 陆 years ago and will be celebrating 3 years in business in August. I have had my struggles being a first time business owner new to the Beauty Industry. As I am sure many of you have had when you first started your businesses. I like you have worked very hard to build a beautiful and successful business on the inside.
Like many of you I have recently remodeled and spent a lot in time, money and energy and hope I will make a profit. That鈥檚 what were here for to make a profit in business. All of the remodels I have seen here lately are just wonderful, we have all put in a lot of hard work. But there is more we must do to receive the benefits of all our hard work.
I encourage each and every one of you today get to know your neighbors use there services, let鈥檚 patronize each other as much as possible for lunch & dinner, dry cleaning, jewelry, gifts and much more. If you have not driven this whole center in a while do this, and start looking into the wonderful restaurants and business we have here.
As a single woman business owner, I have had to work very hard, I have no business partners, loans, or grants, I have had to pay for everything I have done in my business by myself and that is a big feat for anyone to do. I鈥檓 sure some of you have done the same and want to protect your investment. What I am saying is I am no stranger to Hard Work and building Dreams. Little by little, month-by-month, from the Ground up, one purchase at time, one product, one day at a time, I propose is how we will add to the greatness of this once star of the desert.
What鈥檚 important is not how much we have spent in time energy, & capital to grow our business on the inside, although it鈥檚 important, at current the outside does not match all that is so great within. It is time we make the outside match the inside. I will show you today how we will create instant curb appeal an increase our profits and make millions of more dollars.
As business owners every minute, and dollar we spend is important and we have to make our time and money work for us if we are to be profitable. I am concerned for all of our businesses today.
I moved in to commercial center against suggestions, by friends they said go to Summerlin, or Green Valley and maybe get much more walk-ins, I opened here in 2004 at the time because the property manager seemed nice, my rent was reasonable compared to other places and I saw the great potential to grow a million dollar business right here. With the ability to capture local and tourist sales so close to the strip. I knew this is where I was and am supposed to be.
It is my pleasure to be a part of this great and diverse community. We have many nations and cultures represented here, and although you may not have known me before now, I hope we can become friends and partners in the building the dream of what can be. Never before in the history of this shopping center that I have know about has there been a joining of business owners as this. Maybe many years ago there was something like this, maybe some of you are friends, I hope so.
What I do know is we all need to come together now, if we are to keep the small businesses alive. I have heard the small business is the backbone of the economy. Well that鈥檚 quite a responsibility. Before we review the proposed plans Id like you to know why these things are important. I will keep it as simple as possible.
When I first moved in there were many vacancies and the sidewalks were all torn up, I had moved from a Salon on Paradise, one of my clients said she was so happy for me, and then the day of here first appointment here, she called to wish me luck, and said she wouldn鈥檛 feel comfortable coming. I was shocked, I have heard people say the commercial center that old place, or other comments like that. Commercial Center was once the premiere shopping center in Las Vegas the very first, and it was so nice and grand, now is the time for us to be great again.
Over the years other malls opened and took business away, and then the center Languished overrun with challenges. I experienced first hand the effects of these challenges recently when passing out flyers for this meeting.
We are better now than we have been in a long time, and this is because of a group we are nearly 100% full, many remodels have been done, things are looking better and better everyday, but there is more to do, we are not quite there yet. We have to look at other beautiful and successful shopping centers and model ourselves the best way we can after them so we can attract what it is they have, and we can have this to, we can have anything we desire, We will be great again
Like you I have spent monies on advertising, in store promotions, etc, But all of that is no good if customers don鈥檛 feel good or safe when they get here, no matter how nice our business鈥檚 are on the inside if we don鈥檛 care of the outside they wont come back.
I was inspired last summer to take a stand against the problems we have had here. And so I paid to have some of the curbs painted, and light pole bases, picking up trash and I paid $10 per light pole base, and $10 per dumpster. What a difference for such a small amount to start.
After sending e-mail after Email to Clark County and to my property manager for help, little or no help came so I took action. Things started to look up right away, and I have been talking things up here for 2 陆 years saying how great it is, its vintage Vegas, its old Vegas, it has charm and character etc. People remember things like that, creating good impressions are important.
I have been so frustrated when hearing comments about our chopping center as less than great. Really its all what we make it, its our dollars energy and effort that make this shopping center great and our attitude about it. So that鈥檚 why you鈥檙e here today to be reminded you have a voice and a greater purpose as a member of this community.
Well Finally last summer in a plea to Clark County over an e mail I said we need help, send Help, Danny Giraldo came out and met with me, He said they heard about my request, and was told find out what we need, I told him the disappointment if some of the challenges we have faced here, as well as the disappointments of not having live gardens because some of the property owners did not want to do it, what a shame I thought, but then I realized what a blessing, an opportunity we have, it has opened the door for something even greater, well I said I hope I didn鈥檛 step on anyone鈥檚 toes, but we started painting, he said that was fine, Clark county is backed up with request, and can only get to things as they can, and if we needed paint they would give it to us. I proposed then to him Artificial Grasses in the Medians, and Outdoor Sculptures, and as well starting a business association, with website and brochures, He seemed very excited and said he didn鈥檛 see a problem with us being able to do these things.
As a business owner we have to use logic, but also we have to follow our gut instincts also know as intuition. These Ideas I have are my intuition about what we need right now, of course I am in the beauty business and Beauty is what I do, and its what the public wants. We are going to create a unique point of interest and draw the public and profits we desire, as well as providing a public service to the community of business at large by being a example of coming together with each other and the working with the county.
The door is now open; all we need to do is walk through it. Remember we are in the center of the city, the Mecca of business by the strip. It all started here and we have an incredible opportunity to make something old new again. It is my hopes that by coming together in this community affair that we will attract the business we desire. I think the phrase the New Manhattan of Las Vegas sums it up, beauty and success, Our opportunity is so great doing business here by the Las Vegas Country Club, a huge commercial district, and the new Luxury High-rise communities, as well as the Las Vegas Strip, we are at the center point of the city easy to get to anywhere from here in a short time, as well as close to many locals we offer lots of parking big bonus for a busy city area. Now is the time to act to make a change in the public image of our center, create curb appeal and a something that will be an attraction to the public. This will be great for our business and bottom line.
Everyday Thousands of people drive by Commercial Center on there way to other shopping destinations & restaurants, if we spice up the curb appeal they will be coming here to spend there money, that鈥檚 why were here today!
So Dear Friends what I propose today:
1. We unite and become a non-profit small business association and unite our minds to come up with solutions we need for our everyday concerns and to strategize our thoughts into actions for the good of all concerned. We may call ourselves Commercial Center Small Business association, or Small Business association 953
路 We will hold monthly business mixers for the owners and managers at different restraints that will host at commercial center to network and get to know each other
路 We can hire what we call property supervisors maybe two or three responsible people who will actually be in commercial center uniform working from 6am to 12am, and can clean the inner 4 blocks, and outer 4 blocks of state, Karen, Sahara, and market, to have a clean center in the morning and night, they can be a friendly face to the public giving out our new directories and helping people find where they need to go.
路 Set up annual decorating for the light poles and such to provide atmosphere for the season.
路 Organize a block food fare in spring or summer, special events to be held at the commercial center
路 This will be non-profit and voluntary to join, and we will not be a policing authority, the main function will be to create beauty and marketing/promotions/networking with the community at large and within our center as well
路 Publish a monthly newsletter and report of the business meetings held.
1. Create Curb Appeal by Installing Artificial Grasses in all medians, with a welcome sign at the Karen Entrance, and Sahara Entrance, see Hand Out, and sketch of Directories and Potted Trees. Because we will have non profit status we can ask for donations and hope the large companies will donate to our public works and new art gardens, like home depot, or Lowe鈥檚 donating materials or giving to us at cost. We will have one time installs and upkeep but will keep us from paying public assessments.
2. Change our Name to Create an Instant New Image
路 District 9-FIVE-3
路 Center 953
路 The Shoppes @ 953
路 The Village @ 953
路 The Village Shops @ 953
路 953 East
3. Create Directories on Sidewalks so the public can find the building #鈥檚 and individual suites. Similar to Orleans Square, but new and updated business can be added as needed easily at nominal cost see attachment for quote
4. Build an International Art Gardens with Each Median representing the different countries and culture that has a business here, at the front of the Median well have a flag of the country and a plaque telling the story through symbols, there could be 3-4 sculptures telling a story in iconic symbols of that culture. We can call this Commercial Center International Art Garden, Or International Art Garden 953, we can they be asked to be a part of first Fridays and get with the tourist authority of agencies that organize tours and have them bring the public to see our Art Garden, as well random placed colorful large desert stones to add color and texture in Medians for a Desert Landscape effect
5. Update by keeping all curbs and light pole bases as they are supposed to be, and fill the few potholes that need filling, a few have already been done, for about thirty dollars and an hour of time. Some painting has already been done, sponsors for this have been Dr Drywall and Paint Belinda (_______), A Harmony Nail Spa (Paula Sadler) and The Rack (Michael Moore) La Rues (Cathy)
6. We will Build a website with a directory style listing of all business, and links to there site, as well as a mission and purpose for the shopping center what we intend to bring to the public, with photos of business and the shopping centers Art Gardens. Also we will include a full history of the shopping center over the years focusing on the highlights and the renewal. See Quote
7. Create Brochures in a directory style listing of all businesses and a map of the center to be given to all business owners to keep in their business for the public, and to be given out to the public in general. (Clark County May Help)
8. Can Business add outdoor caf茅 tables, chairs, and railings for customers?
Questions for Danny G. & Clark County
- Help with Direction of Non-Profit
- Update on Empty Lot, Who is Owner??
- Redevelopment Efforts/Plans of Area
- Square Footage of Parking Lot, and Blueprint or Sketch
- History of When Parking lot was built, and why purchased by County
- What can the County or State do to help us achieve our goals
- What other information does the county record that could be of help to us
- Records search of business history or taxes contributed by this shopping center???
9. Talk about tearing down the whole center and new development, how much would this cost? $200 million???
- How can we develop and maintain a good working relationship with Clark County
11. What has the relationship with the county been like in previous years here what would best describe this?
12. What are the hopes of Clark County for us as a new shopping center association?
13. Schedule of Street Cleaning times and days
14. When we really need this is Sat Morning before business opens, and Sundays Mornings before business opens
15. Adding More light to Single Light pole bases for more Light
Questions for Metro
1. Photos of criminals that are trespassed from property and list of names
2. Burglaries in the area in past 3 years is there a trend
3. Crime overall in Area in Past ten years, is it getting better less or more crime, what are the rank of order of crimes here at commercial center, commercial arts building, property Shoppe, Orleans Square, Village Square
4. Starting a Neighborhood Business watch, and whom does business call 311?? For help
5. Can we get monthly reports for the area and the latest updates to give to the shopping centers business owners
Questions for Republic Services
- What is the schedule of the Pick Ups, what are the problems with Trash on Ground overfull trash cans, more pick ups needed, goal no trash on ground no overfilled dumpsters
- Can we get smaller outdoor trash cans to place on sidewalk as rental or purchase to keep trash to a minimum